viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

sobre uptime y vacaciones

En unos minutos me voy de vacaciones, lo cual significa que voy a apagar mi computadora. Pero antes, quiero compartir algo con todos ustedes (¿nadie?:

kant:~$ uptime
06:50:27 up 27 days, 18:16, 1 user, load average: 0.69, 0.36, 0.35

Vamos a ver si cuando vuelvo puedo batir ese record ^_^

Sobre historia y data mining

Basic customer data mining has been around for ages. Pretty much ever since Mr. Drucker asked after your health and crop prospects in the general store. :)

Or pillow talk after the very first prostitution transaction...depends how far back you want to go.

fuente: comment en "Blu-ray Update Sent To User Via Credit Card Records"

Sobre paranoia y billetes de dos dólares

Leyendo este artículo de slashdot encontré un par de historias interesantes:

Particularmente la segunda. A continuación un extracto:

He asked my for some picture ID. I have some fake photo ID's that a friend made for me years before, when we could make realistic photo ID's from our computers. Almost nobody else could do this because printers weren't good enough. But I had an expensive early generation dye sublimation printer and made some fake ID's for fun. I had one favorite fake ID that I'd used for almost every airplane flight, domestic and international, that I'd taken for many years. It says "Laser Safety Officer" and has a photo of me with an eyepatch. It also says "Department of Defiance" in an arc, in a font that looks like "Department of Defense" to the casual glance.

As I opened my wallet, I considered whether I should risk using this fake ID on the Secret Service. It probably amounted to a real crime. I had my driver's license as well. But you only live once and only a few of us even get a chance like this once in our lives. So I handed him the fake ID. He noted and returned it. The Secret Service took an ID that said "Laser Safety Officer" with a photo of myself wearing an eyepatch.

You can begin to see why many people don't believe this story when I tell it.

sábado, 3 de enero de 2009

Sobre computadoras y vegetación

Un|x: bien por usted, yo creo que voy a enterrar mi computadora en el patio y la voy a regar como una planta a ver si crece o algo parecido

viernes, 2 de enero de 2009

Sobre soledad hogareña y frases célebres

Si un hombre camina desnudo en una casa vacía, ¿alguien se ofende?

Sobre clickgames y mensajería instantánea

Hace poco tuve una conversación con una persona en mi lista de msn (WLM para los entendidos), a quien por razons de conveniencia llamaremos "Fulano":

Kant: click-game?
Fulano: si, mira q odio esos juegos d mierda
Fulano: pero est es arg y pinta lindo :S
Fulano: adentro c re amplia
Fulano: hasta cuando peleas, ves una espada moviendose xD
Kant: ok, pero a mi no me interesan
Kant: no me tires eso, porque me chupa tres huevos y si estoy de mal humor voy a buscar una forma creativa de insultarte
Kant: lo cual no es bonito, si la idea es ofenderte (y no ser cómico)
Kant: got it? ^_^
Fulano: fuck off ¬
Kant: ^,^

La moraleja de la historia: no spamees a Kant, o serás basureado.